Facts to ponder this Memorial Day:
In 2022, the most recent year with accurate statistics, 1,299,150 people served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
That same year, 844 people (0.064%) of active servicemen died.
According to one study, a person has on average, 15 immediate family members: parents, grandparents, siblings, spouses, descendants, etc…
Using those numbers, the number of newly bereaved kin in 2022 was 12,660, which is a tough toll, and this comes during a year with no recorded deaths due to hostile action, the first since 2000.
The Department of Defense provides a one-time Death Gratuity of $100,000 to the primary next of kin of each serviceman who dies.
If you divide that sum equally among the average number of immediate family members, it comes to $6,666 per person.
There isn’t enough money in the world to make up for the loss of a loved one. However, we would not live in a free society without their sacrifice. As the famous quote, often attributed to Thomas Jefferson, goes -
"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty"
Along with the many joys of life, we sooner or later have to deal with death. Familiar with this painful truth, we came up with WiziWill, which aims to make things less challenging by transferring important digital assets to your next of kin seamlessly. Nowadays, many digital accounts have a monetary value. Regardless, each has tremendous emotional value. Collecting these assets and protecting them from loss is not easy. Losing your loved ones' assets can be a gratuitous blow. Our application is free of charge, in beta mode, and our goal is to provide a value that makes a difference at the toughest of times.
If you’re thinking about questions like “If I die, here’s all my important info”, give us a try.
Either way, this Memorial Day, like any other, we are honoring our heroes.
We think of the servicemen protecting us, those who sacrifice their lives, and the families they leave behind, hoping to empower the bereaved to navigate the complexities of loss.